Modernizing the City of Pinole Seal and Logo

Devin T. Murphy
4 min readMar 23, 2023


I wanted to provide you an update on our City of Pinole Seal and Logo. I appreciate you for reading and engaging in this process with us.

This week, the Pinole City Council considered staff recommendations for a process of adoption of a new city seal.

We firmly believe that based on research and changing societal awareness and perspectives, it is most appropriate for the City to consider transitioning away from the use of a human character in the City seal, to avoid all possibility of offense, exploitation, and/or inaccurate representation that can commonly result from using a mascot.

Pinole Mayor Devin T. Murphy at a City Council Meeting in December 2022 pictured with the City of Pinole Seal in the background.

Some important background —

According to Chapter 1.02.050 of the Pinole Municipal Code, the city seal and city logo are the property of the City of Pinole. The city seal and city logo are, and have been, established to identify official documents and official city personnel, facilities, property, events and other publications.

The current City of Pinole seal portrays an image of a Native American man with arms crossed against a natural background containing San Pablo Bay, rugged eastern foothills, three flying birds, sun, and sky with a floral border frame and text “City of Pinole California 1903.” This seal was adopted by the City in 1965. Current City staff has been unable to find any information regarding an official City seal predating 1965.

The staff report here provides a brief history (on Page 159 of 211) on the creation and selection of our city seal and logo.

The original inhabitants of the area that we now know as the City of Pinole were part of the Lisjan (Ohlone) nation. There were two indigenous territories in the region, Huchiun and Carquin. Historical documents from City records report that the Ohlone population largely disappeared by the early 1800s due to foreign (European) disease and coercive displacement efforts by European settlers.

On February 14, 2023, I joined City staff to meet with Corrina Gould, a representative of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan, the organization that represents the Ohlone bands that originally inhabited the area that we now know as the City of Pinole, to gain a Native American perspective on the City’s use of Native American imagery in the City seal.

Ms. Gould also helped City staff update our Council procedures and draft recommended language for our land acknowledgement in 2021. She is a critical partner and friend of our City as we find ways to promote our diversity and the history of our town.

Why this matters —

When I was first elected, I called on our council to update our council procedures adding a land acknowledgement to our standing council agenda items.

Land acknowledgments are an important aspect for laying the groundwork for diversity, equity, and inclusion because it deals with what happened in the beginning. It’s a critical way to acknowledge, understand, and respond to the questions of discrimination today is to look at and to begin to take responsibility for our history. It can also serve as a commitment of peace and prosperity for the future.

City staff and I met with Corrina Gould, a representative of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan, the organization that represents the Ohlone bands that originally inhabited the area that we now know as the City of Pinole, to gain a Native American perspective on the City’s use of Native American imagery in the City seal, to partner together and create this language.

The City of Pinole Land Acknowledgement reads: “Before we begin, we would like to acknowledge the Ohlone people, who are the traditional custodians of this land. We pay our respects to the Ohlone elders, past, present, and future, who call this place, Ohlone Land, the land that Pinole sits upon, their home. We are proud to continue their tradition of coming together and growing as a community. We thank the Ohlone community for their stewardship and support, and we look forward to strengthening our ties as we continue our relationship of mutual respect and understanding.”

We mean it when we say mutual respect and understanding. It’s important that we create an inclusive community and government for all people in Pinole — and modernizing our seal is one of the first steps of that process.

But this is not the first time you’re hearing about this.

The City selected has been working with Tripepi Smith as we work with stakeholders in the public to design a Communication and Engagement Plan that the City Council adopted in October 2022 — and that City Staff is now implementing.

To enable us to better communicate with community members, businesses, and other stakeholders, and to address the marketing aspect of the Strategic Plan strategy, the professional services agreement with Tripepi Smith (and the previous agreement with Cerrell) required Tripepi Smith to develop new City logo concepts, refine them, and develop a new City style guide and templates.

What’s Next —

The Council voted on the creation of an Ad-Hoc Subcommittee on The Creation of New City Seal and Logo.

These efforts will be led by Councilmember Cameron Sasai and Councilmember Norma Martinez-Rubin. They will work with City staff to provide committee reports and updates as well as work with Council to design an inclusive, participatory process for public input on the transition of our city seal and logo.

If you would like to be involved and/or send us your comments, please email and be sure to let us know that you want your comments on the record at the next city council meeting.

The process will take some time, but we are eager to hear from you.

It is an honor to serve as your Mayor. In Pinole, we are so much better when we embrace inclusion and celebrate our deep diversity.

I thank you for being with us.


Devin T. Murphy
Mayor, City of Pinole



Devin T. Murphy

Mayor of the City of Pinole. Democracy Entrepreneur. Civic Technologist. Clean Energy Advocate. Justice Warrior. Baldwin aficionado.