My Recommendations for the California Primary Election — Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Devin T. Murphy
5 min readMar 3, 2020


It’s not too late to decide to vote.

Trust me, it hasn’t been easy to decide who to vote for, but it’s happening. Today, we’ll be voting on who will take on 45 (the current occupant in the White House) and become our next U.S. President.

But you’ll also probably see a couple of candidates and things to vote on down the ballot that I hope you’ll pay attention to as well. I decided to do this for a few reasons. Many of you reading follow my involvement in electoral politics, namely through the Democratic Party and are familiar with my advocacy efforts across California.

Well, I figured between my leadership roles and my passion for environmental justice, prison reform, tech equity and data rights, voting rights (and more!), I’d better get to urging my friends, family, and followers who I am supporting this primary. After all, voting is a political strategy, and if you’re reading this, you’ve probably ask for my opinion, endorsements, recommendations, etc.

Today is #SuperTuesday, one of the biggest days of the 2020 presidential election and the California Presidential Primary Election!

Not to be dramatic, but it all comes down to today. Indeed, we’ll have a good eye on which Democratic contender will take on 45 after today. That said, you can continue to follow my commentary on the 2020 election and on all things tech, democracy and politics on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

(Psssst…I have a big announcement of my own coming soon. Stay tuned.)

Great — now that that’s done let’s get to the nitty gritty. Oh wait!

Before I get to my recommendations, here’s a few things you should know if you’re reading this:

  1. If you haven’t registered to vote, you can still sign up for same-day registration, which is conditional voter registration. You can simply complete this process at the vote center you go to today. They’ll just need to verify you haven’t voted twice before counting your vote, but you should be good to go.
  2. Still have that vote-by-mail ballot? Me too. What can we say? We tried. Just go ahead and drop it your vote center tomorrow. Some cities will even drop your ballots off to the County Elections office for you, but it may be easier to just go ahead and find f*cking your polling place (AKA vote center) instead.
  3. Polls are open in California from 7:00am — 8:00pm. If you’re waiting in line at 8:00pm, YOU CAN STILL VOTE. Don’t let them turn you down. Again, do your best to find your select vote center — it’s pretty important.
  4. Still wondering who to vote for? Well…*drumroll please* here are some of my recommendations for today’s primary election:

U.S. President
Elizabeth Warren — I’m definitely with her! She’s the bold, progressive leader we need to take back the White House, flip the Senate in favor of Democrats, and hold our majority in the House of Representatives. I’m inspired by the campaign Warren has built, the team she has hired (including bringing on many of my brilliant friends), and her courageous plans, including her #BlueNewDeal and #GreenNewDeal plans, her plan for comprehensive criminal justice reform, and her plan to elevate entrepreneurs of color.

(Oh wait. That’s four words.)

Anyways, to be honest, I’ve been #ReadyforWarren since 2015. I’m not new to this — I’m true to this. It’s game time. I’m all in for Warren.

U.S House of Representatives
John Garamendi (CA-03)
Mike Thompson (CA-05) —He’s who I’m actually who I’m voting for.
Mark DaSaulnier (CA-11)
Barbara Lee (CA-13)
Eric Swawell (CA-15)
Ro Khanna (CA-17)
Christy Smith (CA-25)
Judy Chu (CA-27)
Karen Bass (CA-37)
Mark Takano (CA-41)
Maxine Waters (CA-43)
Nanette Barragan (CA-44)
Katie Porter (CA-45)
Mike Levin (CA-49)
Ammar Campa-Najjar (CA-50)
Janessa Goldbeck (CA-53)

California State Senate
Nancy Skinner (SD-09) — She’s actually who I’m voting for.
Ann Ravel (SD-15)
Monique Limón (SD-17)
Lena Gonzalez (SD-33)
Toni Atkins (SD-39)

California State Assembly
Kevin McCarty (AD-07)
Tracie Stafford (AD-09)
Buffy Wicks (AD-15) She’s actually who I’m voting for.
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (AD-16)
David Chiu (AD-17)
Rob Bonta (AD-18)
Ash Kalra (AD-27)
Evan Low (AD-28)
Johnathon Ervin (AD-36)
Jonathan Abboud (AD-37)
Laura Friedman (AD-43)
Richard Bloom (AD-50)
Sydney Kamlager-Dove (AD-54)
Dr. Vanessa Tyson (AD-57)
Reggie Jones-Sawyer (AD-59)
Autumn Burke (AD-62)
Melissa Fox (AD-68)
Shirley Weber (AD-79)
Lorena Gonzalez (AD-80)

Contra Costa Board of Supervisors, District 5
Sean Trambley — he’s actually who I’m voting for

Contra Costa Judge of the Superior Court
Suzanne M. Fenstermacher — she’s actually who I’m voting for

Contra Costa County Ballot Initiative: Measure R (School Funding)
YES — yup, voting on this one too.

Contra Costa County Ballot Initiative: Measure J (Transportation)
YES — yup, voting on this one too.

Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 4
Esther Goolsby

Alameda County Ballot Initiative: Measure C (Early Childhood Education)

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, District 2
Holly Mitchell

Los Angeles County District Attorney
Rachel Rossi/George Gascón — DO NOT VOTE FOR JACKIE LACEY.

Los Angeles City Council, District 10
Aura Vasquez

Los Angeles City Council, District 12
Loraine Lundquist

Los Angeles County Ballot Initiative: Measure R (Criminal Justice Reform)

Solano County Board of Supervisors, District 2
K. Patrice Williams

Solano County Board of Supervisors, District 5
David C. Isom

Contra Costa County Central Committee
Maria Alegria (D1)
Champagne Brown (D1)
Michael Nye (D1)
Mister Phillips (D1)
Gabriel Quinto (D1)
Cesar Zepeda (D1)
Connor O’Neill (D2)
Chuck Carpenter (D4)
Kenji Yamada (D4)
Rebecca Yamada (D4)
Anamarie Favilas (D5) — voting for her!
Courtney Masella-O’Brien (D5) — voting for her!
John Stevens (D5) — voting for her!

Alameda County County Central Committee
Soli Alpert (AD15)
Wendy Bloom (AD15)
Barbara Bobbi Lopez (AD15)
George Perezvelez (AD15)
Igor Tregub (AD15)
Alfred Twu (AD15)
Brendalynn Goodall (AD18)
Vanessa Sadsad (AD20)
Barisha Spriggs (AD20)

Solano County Democratic Central Committee
Tiffanee Jones (D1)
Corey Penrose (D2)
Danny Espinosa (D3)
Doris Panduro (D5)

San Francisco County Democratic Central Committee
Shanell Williams
Gloria Berry
Bivette Brackett
David Campos
Peter Gallotta
Shaun Haines
Jane Kim
Leah LaCroix

Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee
Shay Franco-Clausen

Davis City Council
Dillon Horton

Fresno City Council
Tyler Maxwell

Garden City Council
Mark Henderson

Mill Valley City Council
Max Perry

Long Beach City Council, District 8
Tunua Thrash-Ntuk

Long Beach Unified School Board, District 2
John Mathews II

San Bernardino County, District 1
Stevevonna Evans

San Joaquin Board of Supervisors, District 5
Rhodesia Ransom

Young Democrats of America National Committeewoman
Christen Hebrard — okay, she’s not on the ballot. But I love her so much, and her election is at the end of the month at the Young Democrats of America National Meeting in Kansas City. One day, Christen WILL be on a public ballot, and I’ll be endorsing her. For now, show her some love if you can by making a donation to her campaign or liking her page on Facebook!

Still with me?

If you made it this far, I really hope that you still have time to cast your vote! There is so much at stake this election, and it’s critical that your voice is heard. I can’t stress this enough.

We’ve got the power if we use it in this moment.

Go ahead…go! GO VOTE!



Devin T. Murphy
Devin T. Murphy

Written by Devin T. Murphy

Mayor of the City of Pinole. Democracy Entrepreneur. Civic Technologist. Clean Energy Advocate. Justice Warrior. Baldwin aficionado.

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